Thursday, 11 February 2010

Record Unit 4 Creative Media

Record - a definition

Record is a evidence. Making a record is about communicate to others and give information about the part.

Make a list of all the types of record you can think of. Beside each example identify how this might be used, for example, a film crew recording a performance for a TV show.

1- Images: Images can show you record of performance.
2- Sound: You can record the sound then people can hear.
3- A disk: A disk record you can play to others.
4- Audio: Record sound in audio.
6- Album: Record album.
7- iplayer: To create songs.
8- iTunes- people downloads music and videos.
9- Gramophone: Gramophone record disc.
10- CD: People can download anythings on CD.
11- Newspapers: We can take information from newspapers.
12- Products: We can design a product.
13- Facebook: You know other peoples.
14- Emails: You can communicate to others.
15- Magazines: It give you information.

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